The Caption on the above poster reads "Healthy Parents Have Healthy Children". On your post please do the following:
1. Describe what you see in the picture. Consider color, placement, people and objects, and composition. Everything that you see.
The color of the picture is bright and the Family looks very happy. I think that the way they used babies in the poster is kind of a smart idea because it attracts more people to believe in the propaganda.The family in the photo alsow looks very german. The girl is wearing a tradition german dress and the boy seems to be wearing tradicional german clothes. They just look like a tradicional happy german family.
2. Interpret: Guess about the creator is trying to express through the caption and images. Why is this message being conveyed?
The creator might be trying to express that withought the treaty of versallies the people and family in germany can be happy and more healthy. This propaganda might of been made for the nazies to show how they are going to change germany.That germans come first .
Evaluate: What is the intended purpose of this image? The intended audience? Does the image achieve its purpose?
I think that the pourpuse of the image is to show how it is going to change.The audience might be for all ages. The image defenatly achives its purpose because I think that every one whants to have a happy familie like shown in the image.
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