Saturday, January 22, 2011

Learning Profiles

Have you ever struggles in class, feeling the need to move, or simply change seats so that you could listen better with your left ear or view the whiteboard from a different angle?
   No, I dont strugle with that , but sometimes I have dificultys understanding.
Today's blogpost is a reflection on the Learning Profiles done in class today.  In a well structured response (using the information you gained in class), please reflect upon and answer the following:

1.  I learn best when 

2.  I need to

3.  The strategies that would help me in my learning

4.  I would like my teachers to know this about me

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Taking a Stand

Describe the choices that were made by Germans in response to Kristillnacht.

What choice might you have made? 
I would help  my family in the best way I could , So if it ment that if I did it nothing would hapen to my family I would do it. But I would alsow think of the Jews and of their families , not just mine, and try to put myself in their position. So im kind of in betwen.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Propaganda and analyzing visual images

What is the definition of the word propaganda?
    information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group,  institution or nation

Next, why was it used so extensively by Hitler and the Nazis?
     Becuase they neaded something to promote them, to help them with their image .To visualy conected with the poeple.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Analyzing visual images

The Caption on the above poster reads "Healthy Parents Have Healthy Children".  On your post please do the following:
1.  Describe what you see in the picture.  Consider color, placement, people and objects, and composition.  Everything that you see.

   The color of the picture is  bright and the Family looks very happy. I think that the way they used babies in the poster is kind of a smart idea because it attracts more people to believe in the propaganda.The family in the photo alsow looks very german. The girl is wearing a tradition german dress and the boy seems to be wearing  tradicional german clothes. They just look like a tradicional happy german family.

2.  Interpret:  Guess about the creator is trying to express through the caption and images.  Why is this message being conveyed?
      The creator might be trying to express that withought the treaty of versallies the people and family in germany can be happy and more healthy. This propaganda might of been made for the nazies to show how they are going to change germany.That germans come first .

 Evaluate:  What is the intended purpose of this image?  The intended audience? Does the image achieve its purpose?
    I think that the pourpuse of the image is to show how it is going to change.The audience might be for all ages. The image defenatly achives its purpose because I think that every one whants to have a happy familie like shown in the image.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eric von Ronheim

Briefly describe the person that you represented in today's activity.  Then, state the political party you think that the person would vote for in an election.  Be sure to give specific reasons for this choice!  Besides agreeing with what a political party stands for, what other factors might be involved in a person's voting decision?

Eric von Ronheim 
    Eric von Ronheim had a textile factory, he was very concerned about his buisness becuse his sales were down and his profits to.He doesnt like to pay the goverment taxes and he was rich. He doesnt like comminists,he alsow doesnt agree with the Versailles treaty. 
 I think he might chose for the nazi becuse he doesnt like to pay taxes and he doesnt agree with comunism and becuse he doest agree with the Versailles treaty and if the nazis win they will not follow the treaty.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Voices in the dark

If you had been on the train, do you think you would have said or done anything?
  I would have said something but if they were really mad I probably wouldn't say anything because they might hurt me or even kill me. 


Anger and Humiliation

  • German blood as a requirement for german citizenship. No Jew can be a member of the nation.  
I dessagre because I think that the germans are being very unfaire, they are being un-euqual to the rest of the people, and he is being very racist against Jew's.

  • All newspapers must be published in the German language by German citizens and owners.
I dessagre because I think that the Germans are taking it verry seriusly becuse if there is a non-german in germany he cant read that newspaper and if he had a newspaper stand he is going to have to shut it down becuse he cant own it, and will have to find another job.